This handbook is about social responsibility (SR) of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). What can you do as an entrepreneur to do business in a sustainable way? Is it feasible or only possible for large corporations?


SME Sustainability Frontrunner projects

About 350 SME companies have participated in one of the Sustainability Frontrunner projects during nine years in The Netherlands, starting in Province Fryslan.

This approach has proven to be very successful and both municipalities and businesses are enthusiastic. Jaap de Vries initiated this approach which became the inspiration for this handbook.

Interested in starting SME Frontrunner projects in your country?

The authors of this handbook would like to come into contact with interested national parties (Governments, Sustainability institutions, Business Associations etc.) who are interested in helping SMEs in their countries to operate more sustainable with the use of ISO 26000.

We can share our experiences in smart projects of 12 months to initiate SME frontrunner projects in your country of region. Please let us know, so we can help you build your own success stories.


"Global thinking and local / regional acting is now possible with this step-by-step plan for ISO 26000"
Dick Hortensius, Senior Consultant, National Standards Body NEN
"the SME Frontrunner Project is a great way to involve SMEs"
Project leader Province Fryslan (Government), Tjitske Jeltema


With co-operation of